Choisir le meilleur lit au sol pour votre bébé et enfant

Choosing the Best Floor Bed for Your Baby and Toddler

The floor bed for babies and children is a trend increasingly adopted by families concerned not only with the well-being and autonomy of their little ones but also for its practical and evolving side.

In this article, we guide you step by step to choose the best floor bed for your child, covering the benefits, mattress selection, safety aspects, as well as accessories and decoration.

Advantages of the floor bed

Autonomy and self-confidence

The floor bed promotes the child's autonomy, allowing him to go up and down freely without the help of an adult when he is able to do so. This freedom develops his self-confidence and facilitates learning how to manage his personal space.

Smooth transition and money saving

The transition from a crib to a regular bed can be difficult for some children. A floor bed offers a smooth transition by eliminating the feeling of height and the risk of falling. In addition, by choosing a floor bed that is large enough, you save the need to buy a new, larger bed every 2 or 3 years = save money!

Modular layout

A floor bed can be easily integrated into a Montessori bedroom, a space that stimulates the child's autonomy and creativity. It is also possible to create a reading and relaxation corner around or even in the bed.

Depending on the dimensions of the floor bed you have chosen, you can go in it with your baby and read them stories, project images (from a story lamp for example), do collage activities on an album, or even give them those last cuddles or tickles before falling asleep.

Choosing a mattress

Dimensions and thickness

To ensure your child's comfort and safety, choose a mattress suited to their size and weight.

Choose a thickness of 10 to 15 cm for optimal support.

We recommend that you buy a bed with dimensions that also allow you to co-sleep (whether occasionally or more regularly) with your child in order to develop their attachment bond and their need for closeness with you (we tell you more about co-sleeping in our dedicated articles ).

Materials and density

Choose a polyurethane foam, latex or pocket spring mattress, depending on your preferences and budget. The ideal density is between 20 and 25 kg/m³ for babies and between 25 and 35 kg/m³ for older children.

Certifications and labels

Make sure to choose a mattress with certifications and labels attesting to quality and the absence of harmful substances, such as the Oeko-Tex certification or the CertiPUR label.

We are careful in our Cododo Cabin Beds not to use harmful substances in our materials.

Safety and precautions

Safety barrier

If the bed you have chosen does not have a device to prevent falls, and even if it is not very high, it is essential to secure the bed to the floor to avoid falls that could surprise you in the middle of the night or cause a minor injury.

Install a removable safety barrier or protective pad on the sides of the mattress if the bed does not have one.

The Maison Continuum wooden floor bed allows you to put your baby to bed and/or co-sleep safely, thanks to its 4-sided barriers. One of them provides a permanent entrance, through which your little explorer can get in and out of bed when he is old enough.

In addition, the height of the bed prevents any risk of serious injury when your child is old enough to get up by himself.

Distance between mattress and wall

In case the bed frame (or barriers) do not separate the bed from the wall, make sure to leave a space of at least 20 cm between the mattress and the wall or furniture to avoid any risk of suffocation or entrapment.

Also remember to check regularly that this space is maintained.

Surveillance and vigilance

Although the floor bed promotes the child's independence, careful supervision is necessary, especially for the youngest.

Also, purchasing a bed that meets safety requirements, such as the spacing of the bars, or the space between the bed frame and the mattress, is an important criterion.

Furthermore, the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends sleeping in the same room as your baby until at least 6 months.

When designing our co-sleeping Cabin bed, we thought about all of this at Maison Continuum: safety and proximity are possible.

Accessories and decoration

Suitable bed linen

To ensure your child's comfort, choose bed linen that is adapted to the size of the mattress and your child's needs. Choose natural and breathable materials, such as cotton or linen, to ensure a peaceful sleep.

Cushions and stuffed animals

Decorate the floor bed with cushions and stuffed animals to create a cozy and reassuring cocoon only after the baby is 2 years old (it is recommended to wait until the baby can turn around and move around alone, which happens around 1 year - 1 1/2 years).

Before this age, we promote co-sleeping anyway, so there is no need for a stuffed animal to reassure you when you have your parent(s) with you 😊

Carpets and rugs

A soft and comfortable rug around the bed on the floor will allow your child to play and relax safely when he leaves it. Opt for a material that is easy to maintain and hypoallergenic.

Soft lighting and night light

To make it easier for your child and you to fall asleep and move around at night, provide soft lighting and a night light. Choose energy-saving LED bulbs and a night light with a timer function to save energy.

The floor bed for babies and children offers many benefits in terms of independence, self-confidence and a smooth transition.

Take the time to choose a quality mattress, secure the space and enhance the sleep ritual with suitable activities - and with you - to help your baby fall asleep and make the nights easy!

By following these tips, you will offer your child a space of rest and relaxation conducive to their development.

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