Comment habiller un nouveau-né : Guide complet pour bien préparer l'arrivée de bébé

How to Dress a Newborn: Complete Guide to Prepare for Baby's Arrival

The arrival of a newborn is an unforgettable and emotional moment for parents. It is therefore essential to prepare well for this stage in order to guarantee the comfort and safety of your baby, and also to make the explorations of his new environment more memorable.

In this article, we offer you a complete guide to dressing a newborn, with lots of practical advice, tips for choosing the right clothes and suggestions for organizing baby's wardrobe & layette.

Choosing the Right Clothes for a Newborn

Materials and textures

Choose soft, natural materials, such as cotton, wool or linen, which respect your baby's sensitive skin and allow good temperature regulation.

Avoid synthetic materials that can cause irritation or allergies. This is one of the reasons why, at Maison Continuum, all our creations are made of cotton, 100% cotton for the most part.

Clothing size

Choose the right size to ensure your baby's comfort and facilitate their mobility. The concept of free motor skills , important in your baby's motor development, but also in their confidence and appetite for discovering the world around them, can teach you more about this subject. This of course starts with choosing clothes that do not hinder their movements, whether by their design or their size.

Choose clothes in newborn size (50 cm) or 1 month (54 cm) for the first few weeks, whose materials are sufficiently flexible. Don't hesitate to plan for a few pieces in size 3 months (60 cm) to anticipate your child's rapid growth.

Practicality and ease of dressing

To make dressing your newborn easier, opt for clothes with wide openings and simple fastening systems, such as snaps or zips. Clothes that can be put on over the head, in newborn size, should be avoided because they can cause discomfort but are quickly possible from the 3 months of your little explorer.

Remember to check that the clothing you are considering complies with CE/NF standards, to avoid any danger.

The essentials for your little explorer's wardrobe

The bodies

Bodysuits are short or long sleeved underwear that fastens between the legs. In summer, they can become your little one's only piece of clothing.

They are essential to keep the diaper in place and keep your baby warm. Plan on about ten of them, favoring models with an American neckline or snaps on the front.

Bodysuits , beyond their utilitarian aspect, are already a piece of clothing in their own right . To enhance any look and to make your little explorer the most chic, Maison Continuum bodysuits (100% cotton - designed in France and made in Portugal) will accompany your little explorer from 6 months to 24 months.

In winter, we let the collar of the bodysuit stick out so that with any sweatshirt or jacket, the style becomes chic & inimitable.

In summer, we enjoy letting baby grow in a bodysuit, thanks to the beautiful 100% openwork cotton weave which allows the skin to breathe.

Pajamas and onesies

Pajamas and onesies are the ultimate sleepwear for your baby. They offer maximum comfort and warmth. Plan on 5 to 7 of them, choosing models with built-in feet to keep your baby's little feet warm.

Slippers and socks

Booties and socks are essential to protect your baby's feet from the cold and drafts. Plan on several pairs so you can change them regularly.

There are several models, the choice is wide. In terms of motor skills, the adage is to say that the best baby shoe is the one that is closest to bare feet. Avoid, at an early age, shoes or slippers with hard soles. At Maison Continuum we have selected the Robeez brand, which you will find on our E-Shop for all ages.

Hats and scarves

A hat is essential to protect your baby's head, especially during the first few weeks. Plan on 2 to 3 hats depending on the season. A scarf can be useful to protect your baby's neck from the cold. Choose one made of soft, natural material.

Dressing your newborn according to the temperature

In hot weather

When it's hot, dress your baby in light, breathable clothing to avoid the risk of overheating. Again, opt for cotton bodysuits to limit perspiration and allow the skin to breathe.
Don't forget to protect your baby's head with a lightweight, wide-brimmed hat for shade.

Also make sure to keep him well hydrated by giving him water regularly.

In cold weather

In cold weather, it is important to keep your baby warm by wearing layers of clothing.

Start with a long-sleeved cotton bodysuit, add an extra layer with a sweater or cardigan, then - in very cold weather - finish with a jumpsuit or footed romper.

Cover your baby's head with a warm and cozy hat. Don't hesitate to add a blanket or sleeping bag for outdoor outings.

Adapting clothing to the season

Each season has its own specific requirements for dressing your newborn. Here are some tips to help you adapt your baby's wardrobe according to the season:

  • Spring : Choose lightweight clothing and soft colors. Long-sleeved bodysuits and cotton cardigans are ideal for this season.
  • Summer : Opt for airy and lightweight clothing, such as rompers or short-sleeved bodysuits. Don't forget to protect your baby from the sun with a hat and keep him hydrated regularly.
  • Fall : Layering is in for fall. Cotton or wool sweaters, cardigans, and pants are perfect for this season.
  • Winter : Dress your baby in warm and cozy clothes, such as woolen onesies or rompers. Don't forget accessories such as hats, scarves and mittens to protect him from the cold.

By following these tips and adapting your newborn's clothing according to the temperature and season, you will ensure that your baby is always comfortable and well protected. Do not hesitate to adjust your baby's wardrobe according to his growth and specific needs.

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