Les bienfaits du portage pour votre bébé

The benefits of carrying your baby

Babywearing is the practice of carrying your baby against you in a vertical position using a baby carrier or sling . A baby can be carried from birth, provided that he or she weighs at least 3.2 kg and that the baby carrier is suitable. Babywearing can be useful even with a child of 3 or 4 years old on certain occasions.

Why practice babywearing with your little explorer?

There are plenty of good reasons to start babywearing:

For parents:

  • Carrying your child frees up your arms, allowing parents to go about their daily activities and move around or walk regardless of the condition of the ground. The parent, although physically connected to their child, is less focused on them mentally and integrates them more easily into their daily activities: they are together, but each is autonomous.

It is a win-win solution to manage daily life with one or more children and meet the baby's needs more easily, at the same time. Parents thus strengthen their self-confidence in their ability to manage their tasks, while taking care of their children.

  • Having your baby snuggled up against you provides a very pleasant feeling , both for the baby and for the person carrying him. Carrying is a natural continuation of pregnancy ( the notion of continuum ). Many mothers say they find the sensations of pregnancy again and fathers can enjoy this wonderful closeness that promotes attachment. The affectionate gestures and looks during carrying would stimulate the production of oxytocin in the baby and the parent, a hormone that contributes to attachment.

For the baby:

  • Carrying promotes good adaptation to the outside world, since the baby is in contact with the warmth and smell of his mother or father. The baby can thus hear their voice and be exposed to a constant movement that calms. He also hears their heartbeat, a sound that he knows well. This proximity produces a feeling of relaxation, well-being, security and confidence despite external stimuli. Carrying the baby, carrying would therefore help to soothe his stress and reduce crying, agitation and colic and regulate his nervous system, while promoting sleep .

  • The movements of the parent who carries also contribute to improving the child's sense of balance, by making him experience the upright orientation. In addition, carrying reduces the risk of flat head, because carried babies are less often in a seat or lying on their back. Carrying also strengthens the muscles of his neck and back, and contributes to the proper development of his hips and spine, which contributes to better tone. The upright position facilitates digestion and the evacuation of air in the digestive system and therefore reduces reflux problems. Carrying also promotes the stability of the baby's temperature and heart rate.

  • Finally, carrying facilitates the integration of the baby into social life. The carried baby benefits from closer contact during interactions. He discovers the environment and social relationships with a feeling of security. When the baby is carried, his vision is at the height of the parent's face. He thus witnesses his activities, which stimulates him and his cognitive development. The proximity of the parent during carrying would increase the baby's level of attention and encourage him to explore. His curiosity, observation and imitation are encouraged. He develops his confidence and self-esteem and the trust he has in others. The baby's sensory system is gently stimulated. Carrying is also associated with a longer duration of breastfeeding, a prolonged duration of exclusive breastfeeding and a more positive breastfeeding experience for mothers. Carrying facilitates breastfeeding because it promotes contact between the mother's body and that of her baby.

What equipment do you need to carry your baby?

It is best to choose an ergonomic solution, also called physiological, in order to allow the baby to be placed in a position that his body would naturally adopt, depending on the strength of his muscles and the control of his posture. Placing a baby in a position for which his body is not yet ready represents a risk for his physical development.

The preformed, “backpack” type baby carrier


Neo is a physiological, intuitive and innovative preformed product, designed for newborns and which evolves with babies up to 2 years old .

It was designed to meet the demand of parents who want the guarantee of physiological carrying without making knots while keeping the comfort of the scarf. Its installation is quick and only takes a minute. It allows long-term physiological carrying: daily activities or long walks and hikes.

Neo was born after a very long research work with many health professionals. Renowned instructors, psychomotor therapists, pediatricians, nurses, midwives contributed to the development of our Neo to offer the only baby carrier that allows to 100% respect the baby's physiology, its comfort and that of the parents.

Baby slings




The sling is the carrying method that guarantees the best comfort combined with a very long duration. The sling offers a real feeling of comfort to the child carried and optimal safety. The Néobulle baby sling is a physiological baby carrier that can be adapted to all body types. These woven or knitted slings provide real comfort and significant support for the child. They can be used from birth to 3/4 years.

The scarf with rings



The Sling is a ring scarf, without knots, which sits naturally on the shoulder.

Very easy to use and fast, while respecting the physiological position of the baby, the Sling is particularly suitable for parents in a hurry and for daily journeys. The sling is also very practical for breastfeeding discreetly.

Néobulle offers two sling choices:

A sling woven in broken twill for great comfort and very good resistance for the heaviest babies. Usable from birth to 3/4 years.

A knitted jersey sling with a very soft and enveloping mesh for a double skin effect. Usable for baby's first year.

See also

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