Pourquoi choisir le Cododo ?

Why choose Co-sleeping?

From birth, baby's sleep seems to be the major issue.

He is at the heart of all conversations with one question that keeps coming up: “Does he sleep through the night?”

New parents are then subjected to an avalanche of injunctions and methods aimed at "normalizing" the infant's sleep as quickly as possible.

It is necessary to remember that human babies are first and foremost small mammals, and moreover, the most immature, at birth, of all mammal babies. Also, they are very dependent on their parents and need their presence to be reassured . This vulnerability must be taken into account because the serene development of a child supposes that one follows one's own rhythm and not that dictated by social norms.

This reality also applies to his sleep.

The word “ co-sleeping ” is a recent term that describes sleeping with your child.

Several possibilities exist:

  • the baby is in a small bed not far from the parents' bed,
  • the baby is in a small bed next to the parents' bed and open on top for greater proximity,
  • the baby sleeps directly in the parents' bed,
  • the baby sleeps in his own bed but its configuration allows occasional or daily co-sleeping (as with our Co-sleeping Cabin )

Although this practice is considered quite commonplace and natural in most parts of the world, in Europe having babies sleep in a separate room is "the norm". But only for the last century!

Nowadays, co-sleeping is the subject of violent criticism, so much so that many parents do not dare to admit to being fans of it. However, far from being a new crazy fad, co-sleeping is a practice as old as the world, which has many advantages and benefits, as long as safety rules are established. The World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends that babies sleep in their parents' room until at least 6 months , in order to prevent sudden infant death syndrome.

As your child grows, co-sleeping will change based on the needs of both babies and their parents. What works for a 3-month-old baby may not work for a 6-month-old or 12-month-old.

This is why the Co-Sleeping Cabin is particularly suitable because it allows you to take these developments into account, without having to invest in other equipment. The changes thus take place naturally, gently and the child can continue to use it whether they are co-sleeping daily with their parents, occasionally, or independently.

Photograph of the Cododo Cabin Bed (dimensions 90x190cm) taken by a Maison Continuum customer

(Photograph of the Cododo Cabin Bed , in its 90x190cm version taken by a Maison Continuum customer)

So, if your parent's heart is telling you to start co-sleeping, don't hesitate. Don't let its detractors discourage you. Just take the necessary precautions and enjoy these unique moments with your baby!

How to practice co-sleeping safely?

  • No substances that could affect the vigilance of parents: tobacco, alcohol, medication, drugs.
  • Good mattress: flat surface and firm mattress.
  • Good bed that provides sufficient space and safety.
  • No duvet, blanket, pillow. The baby must be placed in a sleeping bag.
  • Good position for baby to lie on his back.
  • Good room temperature: the ideal temperature is around 19°C.

So, go for it! These moments of closeness and love with your little explorer only happen once, they grow up (too) fast, and proximal parenting of which Co-sleeping is one of the tools will allow you to make them confident and secure for the rest of the years to come .

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