Everything you need to know about free swimming, why and how to do it with your little explorer?

Free bathing is a method that allows toddlers to explore and enjoy water in complete freedom. This approach, based on the principles of Montessori pedagogy, aims to promote the development of children's motor and sensory skills, while strengthening emotional bonds with parents.

As a fervent promoter of free movement, and of all the methods that allow our little ones to become little explorers, we present to you the advantages of free bathing for babies, how to start this practice, the necessary equipment, as well as advice for a successful free bath.

Benefits of free baby bathing

Development of motor skills

Free bathing allows your baby to move freely in the water, thus promoting the development of their gross motor skills.

Leg and arm movements are encouraged, helping the child develop coordination and balance.

Additionally, muscles are strengthened, making it easier to learn new skills, such as crawling and walking.

Strengthening emotional bonds

Baby free bathing offers a special moment of sharing between the child and his parents.

Interactions, smiles and caresses during bath time strengthen the emotional bond and mutual trust.

Sensory stimulation

Contact with water stimulates your baby's senses, including touch and hearing. This sensory stimulation contributes to the child's overall development, promoting awareness and curiosity.

Ease of implementation

If you have a bathtub, practicing free bathing does not require you to buy additional equipment. It is economical, especially since you will only put a little water in the bathtub without running the tap for a long time.

Finally, for parents it is often a little more relaxing than the "classic" bath where you have to hold your baby at all times. However, the vigilance to be maintained is the same.

How to start free bathing your baby

The choice of environment

To start free bathing your baby, choose a calm and safe environment. Make sure the room is well heated and lit, so that your child feels comfortable.

Water temperature

The water temperature should be appropriate for your baby's age. For infants, a temperature between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius is ideal. Feel free to adjust the temperature according to your child's preferences without straying too far from this temperature which corresponds to body temperature.

The duration of the free bath

The duration of free bathing depends on your baby's age and their comfort level in the water. For the first sessions, limit the duration to 10 minutes and gradually increase according to your child's needs and desires.

The amount of water

A little water in the bathtub is enough, since your baby will be lying on his back - at the beginning - and will be able to turn over on his stomach when his tone, development and confidence allow him to. The water should reach his earlobes, so they are not constantly submerged and the risk of swallowing water when he turns his head a little is more limited.

Equipment needed for free baby bathing

The bathtub

Choose a bathtub that is suitable for your baby's size and age. It is essential that your child can move freely and safely. If you already have a bathtub at home, apart from the adaptations so that his contact with the bathtub is not too cold, it will do the job very well if you do not have to break your back to make him live this experience.

Bath toys

Bath toys are a great way to entertain and stimulate your baby during free bath time, especially as they become more alert. Choose simple, safe toys that don't overstimulate and are easy to handle. The only interactions with you should be enough in the early days: take advantage of this time to connect with your little explorer, far from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Safety accessories

Safety is paramount when free swimming. Consider using a non-slip mat or bath towel, a thermometer to check the water temperature.

Tips for a successful free bath

Constant surveillance

It is imperative to supervise your baby at all times during free bathing. Stay close, even in contact with him, and keep a close eye on your child to ensure his safety. In the early days in particular, it is possible that by turning his head he may dip his mouth a little or more under water, so be constantly with him, with one or both hands ready to intervene.

The bath routine

Establish a regular bathing routine, choosing a time that works for your baby and your schedule. This will help your child get used to free bathing and enjoy it more.

Your baby's signals

Learn to recognize your baby's signals to know when he is ready to start or end free bath time.

Calming signals

Your baby may show signs of calming down when enjoying free bath time, such as relaxed movements, smiling and babbling.

Distress signals

If your baby shows signs of distress, such as crying, jerking movements, or a tense face, it's time to end the free bath and comfort him.

Free bathing for babies is a beneficial practice for your child's development, both on a motor, sensory and emotional level. By following our advice and adapting the practice to your baby, you will be able to fully enjoy these moments of complicity and awakening. Remember to always prioritize the safety and well-being of your child during free bathing.

FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

1. From what age can we start free bathing babies?

It is recommended to wait until the child is 2 or 3 months old to start free bathing, considering that before that his tone is not sufficient to really enjoy it and to feel secure enough.

2. How many times a week should you bathe your baby freely?

There is no ideal frequency for free bathing your baby, it depends on your schedule and your child's needs. However, it is recommended to establish a regular routine so that your baby gets used to this practice. You will see, free bathing is so practical, and babies usually like it a lot, you will do it for every bath ...

3. My baby cries during free bath, what should I do?

If your baby cries during free bathing, try to reassure him and entertain him with toys or caresses. If the crying persists, it is best to end the session and comfort your child out of the water. If your baby also cries while taking a bath in another way, it is because it is - for the moment - not his favorite moment. Look for where this could come from: water temperature, room temperature (is he cold?), does he feel neglected and does he prefer to be in your arms? If you have a bathtub, have you tried taking a bath with him?

4. Can bath products be used during baby's free bath?

It is best to avoid perfumed bath products or those containing irritating ingredients during baby's bath (free or not), as they could disrupt the child's sensory discovery. Choose gentle products that are suitable for babies' sensitive skin.

5. Is it necessary to use a swimsuit for baby free bathing?

Whether you should wear a swimsuit depends on your preference and that of your baby. Some parents prefer to leave their child naked to promote a full sensory experience, while others opt for a swimsuit for hygiene or comfort reasons.

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