
Illustration d'un parent avec son enfant dans le Lit Cabine Cododo Maison Continuum

4 misconceptions about co-sleeping

Choosing to co-sleep can be beneficial for both you and your baby. In addition to strengthening parent-child bonding and making breastfeeding easier, co-sleeping can also improve the quality of sleep...

4 misconceptions about co-sleeping

Choosing to co-sleep can be beneficial for both you and your baby. In addition to strengthening parent-child bonding and making breastfeeding easier, co-sleeping can also improve the quality of sleep...

Pourquoi choisir le Cododo ?

Why choose Co-sleeping?

From birth, baby's sleep seems to be the major issue. He is at the heart of all conversations with one question that keeps coming up: “Does he sleep through the...

Why choose Co-sleeping?

From birth, baby's sleep seems to be the major issue. He is at the heart of all conversations with one question that keeps coming up: “Does he sleep through the...

Photographie du Lit Capitaine Nemo, Lit au sol Montessori adapté dès le plus jeune âge pour faciliter le sommeil serein

Reconciling with baby or child sleep. 2 avenues...

Although this practice is considered quite commonplace and natural in most parts of the world, in Europe having babies sleep in a separate room is "the norm". But only for...

Reconciling with baby or child sleep. 2 avenues...

Although this practice is considered quite commonplace and natural in most parts of the world, in Europe having babies sleep in a separate room is "the norm". But only for...